Apn Settings Bell Mobility – Setup for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry
Apn Settings Bell Mobility – Configuration guide for
Android, iPhone and BlackBerry
Apn Settings Bell Mobility – Configuration guide for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry. Here is the APN Setings for Bell Mobility Canada for your smartphone. This is required for you to be able to browse the internet and send multimedia messages (pictures) using your smartphone.
Apn Settings Bell Mobility Canada Details
Name: Bell
APN: pda.bell.ca
Proxy: web.wireless.bell.ca
Port: 80
Username: <Leave in Blank>
Password: <Leave in Blank>
Server: <Leave in Blank>
MMSC: http://mms.bell.ca/mms/wapenc
MMS Proxy: web.wireless.bell.ca
MMS Port: 80
MSS Protocol: WAP 2.0
MCC: 302
MNC: 610
Authentication type: None
APN type: internet + mms
You should now be able to browse the internet and send picture messages after setting up these APN Settings for Bell Mobility in your phone.
Apn Settings Bell Mobility Setup Process
To setup the APN Settings Bell Canada just follow the instructions for the respective Smartphone you are using:
Bell Mobility apn settings Android – Settings > Wireless Connections > More > Mobile Networks > Access Add New – add the APN info above > Save.
APN Settings Bell Mobility iPhone – on the main Screen > Setup > General > Network > Mobile Data
APN Settings Bell Mobility iPad – Main Screen > Settings > Cellular Data > APN Settings
APN Settings Bell Mobility Blackberry – on the Home Screen > Options > Advanced Options > TCP > enter the o2 apn settings above > Press Menu Key > Save
What are these APN Settings Bell Mobility used for?
The Bell Mobility APN Settings should come already pre-configured with the purchase of your phone, however sometimes this get reset or when you bring the phone from another carrier or another country, you will need to add these APN settings for Bell Mobility in order for you to have internet on the phone. APN stands for Access Point Names and is the parameter that does the job
Bell Mobility Support Document:
Thank you so much for your great advise. I did end up having to enter all the Access Point items. I followed the ones on your Link for Bell Canada. Most of them were good but my phone still didn’t work. After more investigating I found a couple of the lines needed to be changed for my data to work:
Name: Internet
Authentication Type: Chap
Apn Type *
Hope that helps some body else. Thanks again!
Hi great to know it worked for you. You put an asterisk in APN TYPE?
Yes, I did. We looked at my Husbands phone. He has the same type of phone. That was what it had for APN TYPE.
Cindy, I was struggling till I saw your post. It fixed my issues totally. I was ready to throw my phone through the window. Thanks for making my day…
glad to know!
You’re welcome! Glad I could help!
I cant get it to work do you hane the right settings cindy
Thanks a lot