Cannot send or receive mms on Tmobile network fix

Cannot send or receive mms on Tmobile network fix
If you are experiencing problem sending or receiving multimedia messages (sometimes called picture or group messages) on your T-Mobile network, this could be related to a few couple of things. One of the most common issues is having the wrong APN Settings
Over the last couple of months, we have seen users not able to receive MMS messages, everything else works fine: they can browse any website, apps are loading properly except not being able to receive any picture message.
Upon verifying all the settings, we found out that the issue was related to a partially wrong setup on the T-Mobile apn settings they have on their phones. Most of the values were correctly setup, however there were a few of the key settings missing or just not right and this was causing all the headaches.
Cannot send or receive mms on Tmobile network fix – What to check
In case you are having a similar issue which is mainly on Android Devices using the directly the service from T-Mobile and not a Mobile Virtual Network Operator, we advise you to check your T-Mobile APN Settings:
Go to Settings – Mobile Networks – Access Point Names. You should see then the APN Settings you are currently using. These are the values you should verify:
APN Type: “default, mms, supl”
APN Protocol: “IPv6”
APN Roaming Protocol: “IPv4”
Please type in the missing or incorrect values and save the changes (without the quotation marks). The rest of the settings are not so relevant, but if you want to double check the complete APN Settings, please take a look at the Complete APN Settings for T-Mobile Guide.
Now Reboot the phone and try again. You should now be able to send and receive picture messages! If the mobile data is not working at all on your smartphone, then we recommend you to take a look at our APN Troubleshooting guide.
Let us know how did it go for you in the comments section below!