iPhone 6 straight talk apn settings – Detailed configuration guide

iPhone 6 straight talk apn settings – Detailed configuration guide
iPhone 6 Straight Talk Settings – Detailed configuration guide. The new iPhone 6 is launched on September 19th in the major markets around the Globe. Apple has finally make the decision to increase the screen on their cell phones, as the tendency on the consumers grows on getting bigger screens to play games and watch video. If you are thinking to acquire the iPhone 6 and use it over the Straight Talk network, we will provide you the correct APN.
The new iPhone 6 will come with iOS version 8, and there are actually two versions of the iPhone: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. The iPhone 6 supports 4.7 inches of screen while the bigger brother, the iPhone 6 Plus will give you 5.5 inches, it could be considered a “Phablet” (something between a phone and Tablet). Both versions can go up to 128 GB storage and of course LTE-capable.
To start with, the same APN settings used on the previous version of the iPhone are still valid, as the APN belongs to the Carrier (in this case Straight Talk) and not the Phone itself. Just have to follow the instructions below to input it into your new iPhone 6 and you will be able to enjoy the fast speed browsing on the phone!
After setting up proper Straight Talk Apn Settings for Iphone 6, you will be able to browse the internet and send-receive MMS
Straight talk apn settings for iPhone 6:
There are actually two version of the APN Settings, depending on whether you are own ATT or T-Mobile, they are different.
If you are using the AT&T Straight Talk Service:
Name: straight talk
APN: tfdata
MMSC: http://mms-tf.net
MMS proxy: mms3.tracfone.com
MMS port: 80
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Leave the rest of the fields empty or with its default values
And for the T-Mobile Straight Talk Apn:
Name: straight talk
APN: wap.tracfone
Port: 8080
MMSC: http://mms.tracfone.com
MMS Proxy: Leave blank
MMS Port: Leave blank
MCC: 310
MNC: 410
Again, the rest of the fields can go empty or default
Straight talk apn settings – Step and step settings your iPhone 6
It’s pretty easy to setup the APN Settings on iOS 8. Tab on Settings, then go into General Please select Network and then go to Cellular Data Network. From there, delete the current APN you have and create a new one. Type in the Straight Talk Apn Settings on your iPhone 6 and you are ready to Go! (it’s exactly the same steps for the iPhone 6 Plus)
The iPhone 6 does work on straight talk but it has to be unlocked. I bought one and had the person get it unlocked for me at AT&T. If you use the new 4g nano sims you will not have to do anything except transfer your number to the sims. I had no issues with any of it. I did buy an AT&T phone. These phones do not come unlocked even if you buy them at full price even T-Mobile is not unlocked. I do get the 4 g LTE.
Can anyone confirm that a T-Mobile iPhone 6 bought at an Apple store will work with a new StraightTalk SIM? My 4s is on Virgin, but I want to go with StraightTalk for the 6 and I’ll port my number.
There is no “Network” after going into general! Nor is there any “cellular data network”
HI Angela, do you have an iPhone 6?